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Utility Functions

Assertion Functions


Function to determine if a string matches a timestamp format.


Function to determine if a variable is a Date object.

Parsing Functions


Parses a timestamp string and return an object containing the component parts: year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds.


Unpacks the items from a Date object and returns an object containing the component parts: year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds.


Creates a Date object for the current time then calls unpackDate() to unpack it into constituent parts.


Passes a string the Date.parse() constructor and then calls unpackDate() to unpack it into constituent parts.


Parses a duration string (e.g. 1 year 3 months) and returns an object containing the consituent parts (e.g. { year: 1, month: 3 }). Note that this always returns components in singular form (e.g. year and month) regardless of how they were specified in the string.


Function to convert an object containing any plural duration units (e.g. hours) to the singular counterpart (e.g. hour).

Formatting Functions

joinDate(timestamp, joint)

Function to join the constituent parts of a date.

joinTime(timestamp, joint)

Function to join the constituent parts of a time.

joinTimestamp(timestamp, config)

Function to format a timestamp string from a Timestamp object. The config options can be used to override the default values for joint, dateJoint and/or timeJoint.

Miscellaneous Functions

daysInMonth(month, year)

Return the number of days in a month.


Returns a boolean value indicating if a year is a leap year.

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