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Badger Timestamp

Javascript Date and Time Utilities


Who Ordered This?

This module implements an object for parsing, representing, adjusting, comparing and formatting ISO8601 timestamps. It is designed with ease of use in mind, making simple things simple and hard things possible.


import { timestamp } from '@abw/badger-timestamp'

// create a Timestamp object from an ISO8601 timestamp
const ts = timestamp('2024-03-01T11:37:24')
// or the current date/time
//   const ts = timestamp()
// or in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (e.g. JS Date.getTime())
//   const ts = timestamp(1709293422471)
// or in seconds since the Unix epoch (e.g. file modification time)
//   const ts = timestamp({ unix: 123456789 })

// output the date, time, year, etc.
console.log(                // 2024-03-01
console.log(ts.time())                // 11:37:24
console.log(ts.year())                // 2024
console.log(ts.monthName())           // March
console.log(ts.weekdayName())         // Friday

// adjust the timestamp
ts.adjust('3 days')
console.log(                // 2024-03-04

// compare to another timestamp or date (time is optional)
console.log(ts.after('2024-02-28'))   // true
console.log(ts.before('2024-02-28'))  // false

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