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Constructor Functions

Functions to create Timestamp objects.

timestamp(ts)Create a new timestamp object
now()Create a new timestamp for the current date/time

Timestamp Methods

Methods for getting and setting parts of a Timestamp object.

copy()Create a copy of a timestamp object
year()Get or set the year
month()Get or set the month
day()Get or set the day
hours()Get or set the hours
minutes()Get or set the minutes
seconds()Get or set the seconds
epochSeconds()Return the seconds since the epoch
epochMilliseconds()Return the milliseconds since the epoch
dateObject()Return a Date object

Formatting Methods

Methods for formatting a Timestamp object.

stamp()Return the Timestamp in ISO8601 format
toString()Alias for stamp() for auto-stringification
date()Return the formatted date
time()Return the formatted time
weekday()Return the weekday number
weekdayName()Return the weekday name
monthName()Return the month name
kebab()Return the timestamp in kebab case, e.g. 2024-03-01-11-14-01
kebabDate()Return the date in kebab case, e.g. 2024-03-01
kebabTime()Return the time in kebab case, e.g. 11-14-01
kebabDateTime()Return the date and time in kebab case, e.g. 20240301-111401
snake()Return the timestamp in snake case, e.g. 2024_03_01_11_14_01
snakeDate()Return the date in snake case, e.g. 2024_03_01
snakeTime()Return the time in snake case, e.g. 11_14_01
snakeDateTime()Return the date and time in snake case, e.g. 20240301_111401
squish()Return the date and time squished together e.g. 20240301111401
squishDate()Return the date squished together, e.g. 20240301
squishTime()Return the time squished together, e.g. 111401

Adjustment Methods

Methods for adjusting a Timestamp object.

adjust(change)Adjust the Timestamp

Comparison Methods

Methods for comparing Timestamps.

compare(ts)Compare the Timestamp with another one
equal(ts)Test if the Timestamp is equal to another one
before(ts)Test if the Timestamp is before another one
after(ts)Test if the Timestamp is after another one
notBefore(ts)Test if the Timestamp is not before another one
notAfter(ts)Test if the Timestamp is not after another one

Utility Functions

Utility function used internally or for your own use.

isTimestamp(ts)Test if the argument matches a timestamp format
isDate(date)Test if the argument is a Date object
splitTimestamp(ts)Split a timestamp string into component parts
unpackDate(date)Extract the component parts from a Date object
unpackNow()Extract the component parts from a Date object for the current date/time
parseDate(date)Parse a date string using Date.parse() and unpack
parseDuration(dur)Parse a duration string, e.g. 3 months
singularDurations(dur)Convert plural durations to singular form, e.g. hours to hour
joinDate(ts)Join a Timestamp date into a string
joinTime(ts)Join a Timestamp time into a string
joinTimestamp(ts)Join a Timestamp into a string
daysInMonth(month, year)Returns the number of days in a month
leapYear(year)Determine if a year is a leap year

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