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Function Reference


Functions for testing the type of a value.

isBoolean(value)Test if a value is a Boolean
isString(value)Test if a value is a String
isNumber(value)Test if a value is a Number
isInteger(value)Test if a value is an Integer
isFloat(value)Test if a value is a Float
isArray(value)Test if a value is an Array
isFunction(value)Test if a value is a Function
isRegExp(value)Test if a value is a RegExp
isObject(value)Test if a value is an Object
isUndefined(value)Test if a value is undefined
isNull(value)Test if a value is null
hasValue(value)Test if a value is not null or undefined
noValue(value)Test if a value is null or undefined
haveValue(...values)Test if all values are not null or undefined
firstValue(...values)Return the first value that is not null or undefined


Functions for working with numbers.

range(from, to, step=1)Return an array of numbers in a range
formatNumber(number, options)Format a number using Intl.NumberFormat
currency(number, options)Format a number as a currency
commas(n)Add commas as thousand separators to a number
setNumberDefaults(defaults)Set the default formatting options for numbers


Functions for working with text.

splitLines(text)Split text into lines
splitList(value)Split a whitespace delimited string into an array of words
splitHash(value,set=true, hash={})Split a whitespace delimited string into a hash table object for quick lookup
joinList(array, joint=' ', lastJoint=joint)Join an array of words into a single string with separators
joinListAnd(array, joint=', ', lastJoint=' and ')Join an array of words using commas and 'and', e.g. David, Nigel and Derek
joinListOr(array, joint=', ', lastJoint=' or ')Join an array of words using commas and 'or', e.g. David, Nigel or Derek
capitalise(word) / capitalize(word)Capitalise a word
capitaliseWords(string) / capitalizeWords(string)Capitalise all words in a string
snakeToStudly(snake)Convert snake case to studly caps (e.g. foo_bar to FooBar)
snakeToCamel(snake)Convert snake case to camel case (e.g. foo_bar to fooBar)
plural(singular)Return the plural form of a singular word
singular(plural)Return the singular form of a plural word
inflect(n, singular, plural, no='no')Inflect a noun based on the plurality (e.g. no cats, 1 cat, 2 cats)
Inflect(n, singular, plural, no='No')Inflect a noun with first capital letter (e.g. No cats, 1 cat, 2 cats)
format(message, data)Format a string to fill in <placeholder> markers


Functions for working with objects.

hash(source, options)Modify (a.k.a "make a hash of") an object (a.k.a a "hash table")
objMap(obj, fn)Apply a function to each value in an object
remove(object, key)Remove a value from an object
extract(object, keys, options)Extract values from an object
keys(object)Return the keys for an object
values(object)Return the values for an object
entries(object)Return the entries ([key, value] pairs) for an object


Functions for working with functions.

maybeFunction(fn, args)Call a function or simply return a static value that isn't a function


Function for selecting things.

[selector(spec)(select#selector)Factory to create a function that will select values using various criteria


Functions for sorting arrays of objects.

stringSort(field)Sort using a string field
numberSort(field)Sort using a numeric field
integerSort(field)Sort using an integer field
booleanSort(field)Sort using a boolean field
multiSort(fields)Sort using multiple fields
stringField(obj,field)Extract a string field from an object
numberField(obj,field)Extract a number field from an object
integerField(obj,field)Extract an integer field from an object
booleanField(obj,field)Extract a boolean field from an object
descendingOrder(sortFn)Sort in descending order
ascendingOrder(sortFn)Sort in ascending order


Timing-related function.

debounce(func, timeout=300)Create a debouncing function
sleep(ms)Delay function which waits before resolving


Functions for throwing errors.

fail(message)Throw an error
failMsg(message, data)Throw an error using a message format string
rethrow(error)Rethrow an error


Miscellaneous functions.

doNothing()Function that does nothing
defaultLocale()Return the default locale

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