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These basic mathematical functions used a fixed floating point algorithm to work around the imprecision in the IEEE 754 standard which Javascript uses for floating point numbers.

For example, the expression 1.1 + 0.1 will usually return a value something like 1.20000000000002. Use the add() function instead and the result will be 1.2.

For the theory behind this, see

These functions were adapted from the code in Sinful.js.

Deprecation Warning

These functions have been moved into a separate @abw/badger-maths distribution. They will be removed from badger-utils at some point in the near future.

add(n1, n2, ...)

Adds two or more numbers

add(1.2, 0.1);                    // 1.2
add(2.2, 2.2, 2.2)                // 6.6
add(-3.14, -3.14, -3.14)          // -9.42

subtract(n1, n2, ...)

Subtracts two or more numbers

subtract(3.14, 9.42)              // -6.28
subtract(-3.14, 6.28)             // -9.42
subtract(7.8, 0.1, 2.4)           // 5.3

multiply(n1, n2, ...)

Multiplies two or more numbers

multiply(3.0, 2.2)                // 6.6
multiply(-3.14, 3)                // -9.42
multiply(3.0, 2.2, 2.0)           // 13.2

divide(n1, n2, ...)

Divides two or more numbers

divide(6.6, 2.2)                  // 3
divide(-14.08, 3.2)               // -4.4
divide(13.2, 2.0, 1.1)            // 6

clamp(n, min, max)

Clamp the number n to the range min to max. If the number n is less than min then min will be returned. If it's larger than max then max will be returned. Otherwise n will be returned.

clamp(5, 1, 10);                  // 5
clamp(11, 1, 10)                  // 10
clamp(-3, 1, 10)                  // 1