Badger Utils
Javascript Utilities
This is a collection of various useful Javascript utility functions that I've written over the years.
Many of them are wrappers for simple code snippets that exist only to make my code more self-documenting and/or easier to read. Some are more complicated and are the kind of things that I prefer not to copy-and-paste into different projects. You'll find similar functions in other libraries like underscore and Lodash. These just happen to be the ones I tend to use all the time.
WARNING - People Who Share Their Source Code Do Not Owe You Anything!
This is OSS: Open Source Software that you can freely download, use and adapt if you want to. But here OSS also stands for Opinionated and Selfish Software.
It doesn't set out to please all the people, all the time. On the contrary, it is designed to please one person (me) most of the time. I wrote it to help me get my job done. If it helps you get your job done then great. But please don't complain if it doesn't do what you want. It's not my job to help you do your job.