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Data Codecs

Codecs are used to encode and decode data to and from serialised text. They are imported from the @abw/badger-codecs module.

There are two codecs commonly used for json and yaml files.

Read Data Files

Suppose that you have a badger.yaml file that you want to read.

name:   Brian
animal: Badger

All you have to do is add the { codec: 'yaml' } option to the file() function. The read() method will then automatically decode the YAML text.

import { file } from '@abw/badger'

file('badger.yaml', { codec: 'yaml' })
    data => console.log(, 'is a', data.animal)

This prints the string "Brian is a Badger" to the console.

You can also do the same thing using the file() method on a directory object.

import { dir } from '@abw/badger'

  .file('badger.yaml', { codec: 'yaml' })
    data => console.log(, 'is a', data.animal)

You can also pass the codec option to the read() method.

  .read({ codec: 'yaml' })
    data => console.log(, 'is a', data.animal)

Write Data Files

The codec option also works when writing data.

import { file } from '@abw/badger'

file('giraffe.yaml', { codec: 'yaml' })
    name:   "Gerald",
    animal: "Giraffe",

You should now have a giraffe.yaml file containing the following:

name: Gerald
animal: Giraffe

You can also pass the codec option to the write() method.

      name:   "Gerald",
      animal: "Giraffe",
    { codec: 'yaml' }

Directory Codec

You can specify the codec option for a directory. Any files created by that directory object will automatically use that codec.

import { dir } from '@abw/badger'

dir('data', { codec: 'yaml' })
    data => console.log(, 'is a', data.animal)

Auto Codec

If you specify the codec as auto on either a file or directory then it will determine the codec from the file extension. The extension must be json or yaml but can be in any case, e.g yaml, YAML, Yaml.

const data   = dir('data', { codec: 'auto' });
const badger = await data.file('badger.yaml').read(); // uses yaml codec
const ferret = await data.file('ferret.json').read(); // uses json codec

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