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Badger JS

A Javascript Project Toolkit


Who Ordered This?

This is an application toolkit for Javascript projects. It provides a number of classes and utility functions to make life easier when creating and managing a server-side Node.js Javascript project.

It is loosely based around the Badger toolkit for Perl and was written primarily to help migrate some old Perl projects to Javascript.

Opinionated and Selfish Software

WARNING - People Who Share Their Source Code Do Not Owe You Anything!

This is OSS: Open Source Software that you can freely download, use and adapt if you want to. But here OSS also stands for Opinionated and Selfish Software.

It doesn't set out to please all the people, all the time. On the contrary, it is designed to please one person (me) most of the time. I wrote it to help me get my job done. If it helps you get your job done then great. But please don't complain if it doesn't do what you want. It's not my job to help you do your job.